They couldn't execute their gameplan. I looked over the post game stats and I came across one that I thought basically told the entire story of how the game went. Jarrett Lee stats: 23 of 38. 209 yards. 2 TD's. 2 INT's. Lee went into the game averaging 19 passes a game. That's what LSU's gameplan has been, that's what's been expected of him this entire season. Once we fell behind we asked a 2nd time EVER starter, RSFR QB to throw double the passes he had been averaging. Florida took LSU completely completely off their gameplan, and Lee's stats show it. On a side note: Lee actually doesn't have that bad of stats for what was asked of him as a RSFR. This thread isn't meant to flame or blame coaches, I'm interested in knowing what other people think.
lol. +1 I suppose I could have made that clearer. Looking over the post game really drove home the point to me how badly we couldn't execute our gameplan. My statement should have been: I knew the Tigers were in trouble when. . .we couldn't execute our gameplan. I'll be correcting that now.
I can agree with that. Our team got down too far too early, and when that happened the whole game plan had to change. Like CLM said today, when that happens you don't have time to establish the run... i.e. - Lee had to throw for his life. We were in it at the half, but not being able to stop Florida on their first posession of the 2nd half hurt us pretty bad. Props to them though, they stayed fired up and focused. Our team will be fine. While I hate to see LSU get beat down, a butt kicking like that builds character and I guarantee that each and every one of those players will remember that feeling, and do everything in their power to never let that happen again. They'll be a better team for it.
Our first 2 possessions were 3 & outs. The 3rd possession was the INT at midfield on 2nd down. Next thing you know it's the end of the 1st quarter and we're down 17 to zip.