LOL. Mike Flynn, Reince Preibus.... and Jim Comey, too, because there was no rule that he had to be kept on. Tired of the shit show yet?
Trump's Presidency has been a fascinating drama, but hasn't been as entertaining as it's been appalling,.. like the Giant's baseball season, I just wish the nightmare would end.
What if something really bad happens where we need strong, intelligent leadership? I think the odds are poor for getting through three and 1/2 years. Some guy just noted Trump has generals and hedge fund managers in the WH. No one to interface pol-to-pol with the Congress. Good, critical point!
We're in deep, deep shit unless he listens to the few capable people around him. I don't like the odds.
By my wording it was clear I meant a de facto hire, not an actual procedural one. I'm sure everybody else here got that point but you don't seem to have even the board average level of intelligence.... which is already below average compared to the general population. And I didn't even get into Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon, two actual hires whom he obviously regrets.
For the life of me I can't understand why anyone engages in conversation with this clown. It's obvious he's nothing but a troll.