I hate being right

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by shane0911, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Meh, debatable. No real way to know if this would be true. I think it could be, but just as easily could be wishful thinking.

    Again, hard to say. Like you posted, they lost back to back last year. Two similar offenses, a fluke and a bowl game none of them (gumps) cared to be in but they lost. West Virginia gave them everything they wanted early in the year. The great saban can be had, but you have to play the game that can get him. The game that Les tries to play is right in nicks wheel house and he shoves it up our asses every year. I think the clamoring is for Les to wake up and see this. Sadly he is much too stubborn to do so.

    If there were a guarantee then the hiring process would be so much easier no? Of course there isn't, and I see yours and the rest of the social clubs point. The Frank Solich reference was spot on and yes, the odds are very much stacked against finding something better. I just think it is equally nearsighted to think it can't be done.

    That said, CLM isn't going anywhere so as @islstl pointed out, National Championships are not on the horizon. Not unless there are some major changes to the coaching philosophy.
    LSUpride123, $TigerFan$ and Winston1 like this.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Well said Shane and I think you will find much if not all of the "social club" seeing the accuracy in your comment. Many if not most want better offensive production. Many including me have called for more playing time for Harris and a more inventive passing O.

    I'm not one who would ride Les down to a flaming crash but also think that there is not close to being enough to look at a change. If & When LSU begins a slide to true mediocrity I will be calling for a change. As I posted after the Auburn game Les needs to look into his soul and determine if he can find the fire he had earlier. I have not posted much since as I would rather watch and evaluate than jump. You have to say the team's performance from Ky-Gumps was significantly better. Last

    It is more the hate directed at Les by so many that I abhor. It seems petty. I wonder how @ka-El and others would react if people directed the same comments at them in their work. To me it shows a lack of maturity and frankly manhood. Are they the typical "little league" parent cursing umpires insulting kids on the other team etc?? They sure act that way on this board. I wonder if they have the guts to say things like that at a Les Miles presser or talk.
    BTW I know you die a little with every LSU loss and would gladly suffer Les if we won SECW, SEC & NCs. I don't question your loyalty to and love of LSU. I disagree with your judgment.
    Sourdoughman, kcal and red55 like this.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    @Winston1 so was it well said or do you disagree?
  4. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Its all debatable. I wouldn't say I am on the Les social bandwagon I just see things from a more realistic perspective especially more than I use too. After the Auburn game this year I thought we were screwed. I thought we would have the same record as when we were alternating JJ and Jarrett Lee their first year. I was actually pretty surprised that they rebounded and played much better down the stretch minus the offense. Yes Alabama can be beat, especially a year like this, like us they didn't know who their QB would be. I do wish CLM's would have played Brandon Harris more, maybe you read my comments about that? He is the coach and he gets paid to do his job, he is gonna do how he sees things. It may drive us nuts at times but that is the way it is. Its debatable but I doubt you will find a coach with the same kind of success at LSU and their is no guarantee a new coach would beat Alabama. If CLM's leaves maybe the entire coaching staff goes to Michigan. I doubt you are gonna find a better coaching staff, we come really close to beating Alabama almost every year and we win around 10 games a year. I bet the Gators would love to get back to that kind of season. Edit: All of us want a more productive offense, better QB play! Offensive line play? We always here how great our offensive line is but they don't always play up to the hype!
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    LSUTiga and shane0911 like this.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    It was well said. You allowed for both interpretations to have value (Les is worth keeping/Les should go) and that they had reason behind them. That I agree with I am still on the pro Les side.
    red55 likes this.
  6. Kal-El012

    Kal-El012 Founding Member

    Mar 13, 2009
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    Believe me I have the guts. I absolutely would ask Leslie the hard questions. But I know it would be the same ole, same ole. Talking in circles and mostly jibberish.

    In my life, I have had only one time where a boss had to sit me down and talk about job performance not being up to par. He told me he was having the talk with me because he knew I could perform better. This talk came at the time that I was going through a divorce. One time in 22 years of being part of the blue collar work force. After a couple of days of self evaluation, I put my two weeks notice in and figured a change of scenery was what would be best. Both for me and because of respect that I had for my boss who brought me in and vouged for me. I didn't want to put him in a awkward position.

    Lastly, there isn't much I am afraid of and I call it the way i see it. You may have different interpretations, and that's all fine and dandy. But whether I am right or wrong I will always own what I put out there.

    You have no idea what anyone is like through forum posts.
  7. Kal-El012

    Kal-El012 Founding Member

    Mar 13, 2009
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    P.s. I leave the yelling at little league umpires to my ex wife. She'd give anyone on this forum a run for their money. I assure you of that.
    LSUTiga, Winston1 and LSUDad like this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Funny, that's exactly what they said about Charles McClendon.
    Sourdoughman likes this.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Awful long thread for someone who wasn't even "right." :D

    Hey dickhead, I mean shane, do you really want me to save you some "crappie?" You said that in a text last week but wasn't sure if you were serious. I can freeze some in water if you think they'll make it back to Soonerville without spoilage. Oh and if "Your Highness" likes hers filetted I can knife a few for her. Going back tonight is why I ask.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    If you are waiting for me to say no then don't hold your breath. I will always take good fish. Don't save me no shoepique or carp or any of that garbage.

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