Miles does not owe you anything. Too many think they are entitled because they pay a few cents toward his salary. If you think you have that much power gather all your friends and go to his office. And demand his job. Call me when you hit the concrete outside, I'll buy the beer. What I'm saying is we as fans may think we deserve more information but we really don't. The AD doesn't call us before he makes a decision and the coach, no matter how much we may contribute to his salary, is not required to tell us why he does what he does. I'm in HR in the public sector and I have been through enough court cases to know the public doesn't control anything. We may work for them but they do not have any rights over us. Public employees are very well protected, if you don't believe me try to fire one. EEOC, State Gov., Federal Gov. and ole Sharpton himself will be at your door. I've been in Public service for almost 30 years and it is a different animal. If your not part of it, it's difficult to comprehend because it works backwards from the rest of the world. Now I know Miles does have more accountability because he is a high profile, well paid public employee, but there are boosters who contribute millions to the school that can't get him out.