Les is remarkably free of the standard coaches cliches. Most coaches bore the shit out of everybody at their press conferences. Not Les, reporters friggin' love him because he is a damn strong speaker when he wants to be and a damn funny one when he is feeling light-hearted.
I've been in a room full of high school coaches with Miles presenting and he is NOTHING like how he presents himself to the media. I have no idea why he sounds the way he does with the media but as coherent and jovial as he was when I witnessed him with coaches while the cameras were off behind closed doors, I tend to believe he's the same way with his players. I know a couple of guys that played for him a few years ago and they all indicated he's nothing like that in the locker room...on the practice field...on the sideline. He's really just your typical head coach. He gives instructions, he motivates, he blows a gasket if necessary. So yes, I believe Media Miles is completely calculated and intentional.
For the millions he's paid I don't want to always hear something "calculated and intentional". And why would you want to present a different persona to the public? I like the concept of what you see is what you get. It's not like he has to be reserved to conceal some grand new scheme. We all know that's not going to happen. Sometimes just give me some Spurrier talk. At least that would be SOMETHING different.
OK, my turn. This waterhead idiot wears a friggin' tall white cap. How can you expect to be a proper football coach with a cap like that? I think it's calculated. I hate calculated. A real coach wears a see-though straw hat or a goddamn visor! Anyone can see what play LSU is running by how Les wears his hat. We must get rid of him before he starts averaging 9 wins a year! How could we live with that shame!
Not to be sarcastic, but how does he owe you anything, you are not the one signing his check. They are not your millions why do you get to demand more than what he is giving? Not trying to ruffle your feathers but we as the fans are only entitled to a football game. Some we win, and some we stink up the field, but we do not control that. The process is the school hires him/her, they coach, and the players play. We as the fans have the choice to watch or not. Power has never been assigned to us to demand anything from the coaches. If they lose enough the school will fire them and someone else will get a chance. We are not entitled to anything the coach decides to keep to himself and his players. Again no harm intended just commenting on that line of thought.