Wife's brother has several friends that work at Rivals in Brentwood. They do have a lot of people that sit down and review each tape.
I agree completely...Surely if they have enough time to watch film, rate these players, and move them accordingly then they should have enough time to write a snipit of why they made some moves...
Rivals just moved into Microsoft's Sun System building a few months ago and need even MORE space due to tapes/videos being sent to them.
I wouldn't worry too much about this August "adjustment". It's to be expected. The more the rivals staff gets more and more film on each prospect, the more their opinions will change. They'll also change throughout this coming season too, as I'm sure some of these recruits will have stellar seasons, while others may tail-off a bit. Hopefully, all of our recruits stay healthy (above all), and fall into the "stellar season" category... :thumb: