Under certain circumstances. A pickup load of wetbacks that look exactly like a pickup load of wetbacks should be profiled as illegals and stopped to ask for ID. A dark fellow named Mohammed from Pakistan, with fuses on his sneakers should be profiled and searched at the airport. A naked man chasing a woman with a butcher knife and a hard-on should be profiled and be beaten by Inspector Callaghan. On the other hand, the St. Landry Sheriff's Office shouldn't be able to pull over every red sports car until they found one with drugs in it so that they could confiscate the vehicle for "undercover" work. The feds busted that deputy, but this kind of abuse happens all over. The Vinton police are notorious. There is a balance to be had here. Profiling is and should remain unconstitutional if the officers are just fishing a crowd of citizens for random offenders. But a practical sense of justice is also needed to keep overt and obvious criminals from exploiting the system. Still waiting for you to make a case.
And this is how I feel. There has to be a point where the PC bull has to be reigned in. How many times have we seen one of our planes downed by a 6 year old girl who smuggled explosives or guns under her clothes? It's sad that the kid and her parents have to put up with that, and in the TSA agent's defense, it's sad that she has to do that. It's not a politics thing like many people tend to make it. It's a society thing, and it's making us look pretty damn stupid, I think. Look at it this way. If you're buying produce from a market and the apples tend to be more prone to having worms in them, then you're going to pay closer attention to the apples to prevent that from happening. You're not going to decrease your chances of biting a worm in half by inspecting bananas, oranges, and plums while avoiding inspecting the apples because you don't want to piss them off.... I know, it's a strange analogy, but I'm the Swerved one.
If I remember right, part of the reason the deputy got busted was planting dope in his dream car. The biggest invitation to police abuse was when they started allowing police departments and the courts to keep the cars and money confiscated in drug busts. It was a stupid law that still needs changing.
The little girl set off an alarm of the screening equipment. She was patted down to resolve the alarm, just like anyone else who walks through and sets off an alarm. The parents were briefed on what would happen in regards to the pat down, the screener performed the pat down by the book and explained in detail to the parents what she was doing as she performed the search. The screener used the back of her hands over any sensitive areas, same-sex screener, etc. I fail to see why there is outrage. Some of you need to understand that air travel is not a right. You are not legally entitled to zip through the air in a metal tube at speeds of over 300 mph, breathing recycled air to arrive at your destination in a fraction of the time it takes to drive. You don't want to be searched, that's okay. You simply don't get to fly commercially. Enjoy your 12 hour road trip at $3.79/gal Otherwise shut up and get over it because you're holding up the security line for the rest of us.
The other day I was listening to the radio and the dj was talking about to be on the lookout for a armed robber. He cut a joke about the police discription. Six feet tall, black hair , brown eyes wearing a white t shirt and blue jeans and white tennis shoes. He said the police failed to mention if it was a white dude , a black guy , Asian or hispanic. That is political correctness gone too far. That's the world we live in. I guess the police didn't want any racial heat. Maybe they were afraid the NAACP , Jesse jackson or the ACLU would come after them. I think it was on 99.5 in the morning show - Casper and somebody not too sure.
We need less TSA agents fondling children and more TSA agents waking up sleeping air traffic controllers.