I'm not saying they are squeaky clean, and I do like what I saw from Miles chewing players asses, I just wish I would have seen him chewing some offensive linemen's asses and not Jalen Mills or Lavar Edwards who were just trying to make a play. I didn't see Jalen's penalties, but the defense is the only reason you were even in that game. Cut them a little slack. Now as far as Saban goes, no ass is safe from the Nicktator. I think the linebacker may have been EJ Kuale by the way.
I spoke to a Bama fan at last weeks Denver/Atlanta game and he said they are saying the same thing we are. When watching Bama they say they don't think they will beat us with all the mistakes they make during the game. I guess when you just focus on the bad things your team does without really watching the competition its hard to tell. Dispite the final scores (just like ours) he said Bama has some flaws too.
I think as fans we are all very wrapped up in getting "revenge" for the embarrassing butt whipping Bama put on us in the biggest and most important game of the year. It seems we are all glossing over the entire rest of the season. I just hope that's not what the team is doing. With all due respect to Towson, our 1 and only concern should be Florida. If we play them like we did against AU, we will NOT win the game. Period.
This. I am sick to death of people talking about god damn bama. Did anyone else watch UF or SC play this weekend? If so, you'd realize that we have a LOT of work to do before we even start thinking about the inbreds. The good news is, we'll know a hell of a lot more about our team by the time we play them because of those matchups. bama has a cupcake schedule between now & then when compared to ours. We'll be their first real test, while we'll be battle-hardened by that time.
When the thought came to me regarding starting this thread, it was more a question of whether Alabama has been any more battle tested to this point than LSU. The answer would seem to be NO. But, they sit at #1. I am simply saying, their day is comin. Likely from playing LSU. I have not seen anything that makes me think they are head and shoulders above LSU including the Auburn game.