I actually feel sorry for Ohio State fans...

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by Andouille, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. hadskey76

    hadskey76 Founding Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    Karma Baby!!
  2. GoVols1967

    GoVols1967 Freshman

    Jan 6, 2009
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    My favorite Movie of all time. Probably the best movie either of them ever made.

    Oh yeah - I didn't feel a bit sorry for OSU. They have ESPN slobbering all over them constantly. Besides Texas is a good Southern neighbor.
  3. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Na, not jinxed. Jinxed would be losing the last three by a slim margin. They got blown out in the previous two, so that's not jinxed, just overrated.
  4. TigerKid05

    TigerKid05 Say Whaa!?!?

    Aug 3, 2004
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    It's January 6, 2009 and the Big Ten still hasn't won a BCS game since 2005
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    and wasnt that win against notre lame?
  6. cristof11

    cristof11 Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    I was actually torn on who to root against in this game. A texas loss would've meant that 3 of the 4 overhyped teams from the Big !2 had lost their bowl games with OU coming up against Florida. An OSU loss would keep reinforcing the putridity of the Big 10 and the pathetic attempt by the media to proclaim USC as the best team ever year after year when they beat a pathetic Big 10 team.
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  7. buckeye78

    buckeye78 Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    thanks to those of you who offerred kind words. This one hurts.

    To the rest of you mean spirited folks out there, it amazes me how much vitriol people aim at a bunch of kids, and us "northern" folks. Seriously, I thought the civil war was over a long time ago, although some of us are obviously still bitter about that loss. You have to blame it on northern speed at the time, obviously. that and the overall level of talent. Coaching was an issue to be sure. WTF????????? Nobody seemed to mind us "yankees" when tens of thousands of us came to New Orleans to support our team and spend a ton of money. Seems a little two faced to me.

    It's a game folks, and while it sucks to lose another game, I thought our defense played really well (for the most part---not expecting, or being ready to handle a no-huddle is a coaching lapse, IMO) I was pissed at Pryor for stepping out several times, and at Tress for calling a dive on 3rd and 13 in the third quarter after Texas had just scored, letting our tired defense (just on the field for 15 plays, over 6 min.) back on the field, as though he didn't trust the offense. The buckeyes have a long way to go, as does Pryor, but to say that losing by 3 points to a great texas team means that we don't belong, is ridiculous. Use the USC, FL/LSU games to make that comment, don't blast a program whose kids played their guys out for losing in the waning seconds by a field goal.

    We're proud of our guys, though not necessarily the coaching staff.

    Is it next year yet? Man, I really hate the layoff between seasons.

    Go Bucks!
  8. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    It was hard to pick who I wanted to lose that game more. OSU, being the traditional powerhouse, gets way too many free passes into games where they don't necessarily belong, and their super-boring coach gets called a genius because he's so reserved (nope, he's just boring.) This annoys me because so many people (even our own fans) call Miles stupid.

    UT is a case that always confounds me. I actually like the university, in theory. If my daughters wish to go to college in Texas, then I sincerely hope they choose UT. But, for some reason, I can never pull for them.

    Ultimately, though, I don't feel sorry for any other teams' fans because we LSU fans had to suffer years and years of disappointment before winning with consistency.
  9. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    If this is what you were referring to...
    ...then it's just simple geography, Holmes. No vitriol (at least not about you being from the north), and no politics. Please don't hurt yourself dismounting from that high horse.
  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Tough loss to be sure. OSU showed that UT was not all that, or the buckeyes improved throughout the year since USC, or both. In the greater scheme of things, they and their conference are not going away, and we don't really recruit vs them so I would have preferred them to win.

    I have many horn friends here but the general spite exhibited towards LSU from their fanbase has increased as our presence in recruiting in their state has increased. It should rise further next year if we get Seastrunk. Overall, I would have enjoyed seeing tx lose, but it was enough to see how hard of a time they had winning. Kind of hard for them to brag about it or claim a split NC. I suppose the media will keep it stirred up anyway.

    All around, that second half was the most exciting bowl game of the season.
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