Truthfully I'm at the point of we"ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Texas wouldn't take him anyways.
I wouldn't blame him considering the disrespect he endures from so many Tiger fans. Sure, we'll easily find someone who will surpass CLM's success at LSU - even though in the history of the program LSU has never hired a coach who was more or even as successful as Miles. But hey, it'll be no problem this time. Coaches will be beating down the door to come to Baton Rouge. Good riddance to the moron.
I know this is going to cause a massive derail but damnit I just can't help myself. I think, and without some very damn good proof will go to my grave thinking Mich had him until the world wide leader leaked the story prompting the "have a nice day" speech. He had already been through that once with okie light and people still resent him for it. I think once he knew the cat was out of the bag he told mich no deal and here we are.
LOL, yep Gruden has wanted every job, no one will hire the poor guy. Ever look to see what he makes a year, don't think I'd take a job. I make a little under what he makes
I heard Vince Lombardi was available and interested....he would have Bear Bryant as his DC and Gruden as his OC.