This thread is for hypocritical persons/persons' ideas from either party. I'll start with the Democratic legislators' visit to the Elizabeth Contract Detention Facility today. They criticize Trump for "using" the kids for political purposes. What the phuck are they doing? The same fucking thing- using the kids to prop themselves up for political gain. And before you Trumpsters jump and say Trump is following the law, I know.
BTW Obama also had an ICE policy that separated children from their parents. That’s the ultimate hypocrisy.
Thousands of legal American kids almost everyday get separated from their worhtless parents who commit crimes. Why in the freaking hell is it somehow awful when parents who are not even legal citizens commit a crime by breaking into our country without regard for what happens children be worse? I hear nothing from democrats about how awful these parents are but how horrible Trump is for ENFORCING THE LAW!
Senator Larry Craig was a family values, anti-gay guy who was busted cruising for anonymous gay sex in an airport bathroom. This is probably my favorite example. Elliott Spitzer was a ruthless prosecutor of prostitution despite being a regular customer. Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says By Abbie VanSickle January 28, 2016 Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing this ain't new y'all
And Obama was a shit head. How does that make this right. If I go murder someone and get away with it, does that mean murder is acceptable now?
No it means you go to jail and you are separated from your kids. Or do you think that breaking the law if you have kids means we let you walk? The ONLY solution the left has is, let them all in. Well, the Dems can get fucked on that one.
True but Trump is not a muslim sympathist, doesn't let riots take place, and is not letting terrorists run wild. It's not a defense, rather, just asking myself why I also felt different with osama. Answer is cause I didn't trust him and felt he was, in part, trying to sabatoge our Cluntry to a degree to shake things up.