Very sorry to hear your news Supa. I lost my mom to sepsis last March but was fortunate enough to be with her, too. But . . . the old generations pass and the new ones have to carry on. Best of luck to you and your family.
I'm back. Got power back really quickly, cable not so much. Haven't been on because I've been helping my aunts and uncles clean up around the southern part of the state
Damn Supa. Sorry to hear that. I am in the Seigen/Perkins area. No power/no cable, but lucky no damage to the house at all. Don't think i am getting power for a while.
Ahhh, power finally. No internet here but someone in the neighborhood has it and was kind enough to leave it unsecured. so much work to do, so little time. Red, so sorry to hear about all of the damage you had. Have State Farm insurance here and getting jacked as well by hurricane deductible. We have to pay the first 9,070 here.... !*(@*^#
supa: love, hope, and peace to you and your family man. everyone with property damage: love, hope and health. most things can be fixed. i'm just happy you guys are ok. this whole thing could have been so much worse for all of us. red: damn shame about your neighborhood. it is an icon of Baton Rouge. i'm glad you're damage wasn't any worse than it is. peace and love to you, your family, and your neighbors. rex_b: as far as cox goes, i really think it just depends on where you live and how bad the problem in your area is. i'm on cox, and it's working well today. my friends in central are on cox and it's been sporadically on and off for the last two days. so who knows. me: power and cox back on. now i just have to fight the lines for food and such.
Guys, some of the reports of damage and loss are so sad. Prayers to all of you, and we're glad to see you back online. The rest of the country is dreadfully ignorant to the pain of the people of south Louisiana. They think Gustav was nothing.
yeah i talked to a friend of mine in Dallas and he said they thought everything was ok because there is nothing mentioned on the national news services. New Orleans did not get hit, so they all gave up the ghost and when back to other stories.