We made it through in Lafayette. We lost power at around 2:30pm and still haven't had it put back on yet. This is the part that sucks worse than the storm... I'll gladly go through the storm again, just give me back my power! Anywho, it could have been a lot worse and is a lot worse for some people so I'll stop my b*tchin' and thank God that I have a generator and a portable AC that is keeping my family cool in our living room.
Ain't that the truth. I got a 2nd generator (5500 watts) and a 10K BTU window unit because I remembered how much we suffered with the heat after Rita. That was the smartest thing I've ever done.
My wife's uncle loaned us the generator because he's got power. I'm going to buy one this weekend. The one we're using now is a 5500 watt and that's what I'm gonna get.
I made it through the storm fine. Its just all the rain in New Iberia has got half the city flooded right now. That and the damn curfew is annoying as hell.
i stayed home. lost power at 1pm monday and just got it back at 915pm tue. the actual hurricane was weak, but it kept power off for me longer than Andrew did.
back at the office (for a short time today). my office is on sherwood and we have electricity here (and air conditioning). i still don't have power at home, and i only live a block from my office. been a long three days. good to see so many people already posting.
ditto for me (i work in the same building as dro). we made it out ok (staying iwth wife's cousin in jefferson/bluebonnet area). have no power but have generator at their house. garden district got slammed (but our house is ok) and i think our house will be without power for at least a week. but we're hoping...