It wasn't the hit from the Auburn defender, but the thigh of Brett Helms that nearly took his head off. Hopefully it is only a slight concussion and he can be back withing a couple of games. Despite a couple of poor throws, he played with guts and smart. Good job Hatch. :thumb:
Hatch got knocked the eff out. He'll be alright, but in the meantime, I think we found ourselves a qb.
That's funny. Everytime I try to type within, I put a 'g' at the end of it, too. Must be the 'g' in me. And you're spot on. They were raving about the hit, but if Hatch doesn't run into a running Brett Helms, he pops right up and go to the huddle.
When Hatch was walking back the the sideline, were the Coaches yelling at him to go down and that's why he went down? I found that kinda funny...Kind of like Matt Flynn's helmet incident last year at bama...we got some smart coaches
They told him to get down so they could get an injury timeout. He was standing upright facing the sidelines. The refs had no way of knowing he was hurt.