It was pretty funny though I laughed. It was in reference to some clock mismanagement in the Philly/Wash game. They then quoted Miles great "SEC football" quote. Then he ripped on our 5-0 record. Not just the laughing stock of college football it appears.
it's all about winning but the out cry on this and OLE MISS is deserved you can't sunshine pump this amount of stupid off!!!!
So, I guess they should ignore the events of yesterday? Isn't it their job to comment. It's not like we haven't loaded the gun for them.
The Longhorns and Condoms weren't ripped by Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw today so I guess everything is hunky dorey with their programs. Man I wish we were 3-2 and had great clock management.
Guys I honestly have been laughing at all the jokes by the commentators. It's true. Might as well enjoy the entertainment. Miles is a master of entertainment.
When you just lose, nobody notices that much. When you win a game the way we did, the whole world sees it.