I've made one post on the subject. Only nobody said that, it was a response to blaming the quarterback for things beyond his control.
Good attempt to spin it there Nancy Pelosi, but that pig ain't flying. There it is in your own words. No one was talking about a single game, the conversation was about QB play the entire season. I'm starting to see how you're easily confused watching a fast paced game, you're having a hard time just comprehending written words.
This is a really telling statement, you see no one is blaming Jennings at all, at least I'm not. I say that because I realize it is out of his control. What we need from the young man is just not part of his DNA. I have never questioned his will to win, I have never questioned his drive or motivation or spirit. I have said that I am sure he is a fine young man and I truly respect him for his effort. Who I do blame is one Leslie Edwin Miles for not being able to see that the young man just doesn't possess the goods and having the sense to know when it is time to at least TRY plan B.
Perhaps he tries Plan B in practice on a regular basis and sees that it aint as good as Plan A. Perhaps Jennings is the best we have for this year. He sees them both every day, we don't. I have to believe he and Cam have a lot more data to work with than us fans.
That all went out the window with the first time we saw Harris throw the football. Yes, he shit the bed AT auburn. His first start, on the road, hostile environment. If you have ever watched more than 10 minutes of football in your life and you are honest with yourself then you know Harris is the better QB.
Now, that's the 64K question that none of us know the answer to. If Harris is the better QB, why isn't he seeing any PT. There's 1,000 speculated reasons on the Internet, but what's the real reason? The people that know aren't talking. At least in language I can understand.
What it comes down to is this. Les likes what he has in Jennings. It is safe as long as the defense carries the day. It is what we will go through for the rest of the next 2 years. I was listening to Jordy today and it was said that if Harris doesn't see any playing time in the bowl game he should pack his shit and transfer and I could not agree more. That young man is far too talented to ride the pine behind Jennings.
Les may have clock management issues, difficulty with the English language, and a Bo offensive mindset, but he's no dummy. I'd be willing to bet more than a dollar that there's a lot more to the story as to why Harris is riding the pine.