When it is the guy that has his hands on the ball for every offensive snap then that is a pretty big aw shit. Compound that with the fact that our of ALL the aw shits year after year and well... There you have it.
It's too much to ask for miles to not have the worst passing offense in the ncaa? With the resources and momentum of this program? I can agree with the pumpers, it's is insane how well miles has done without a qb. It's just a double edged blade, because it is also insane how well miles would have done WITH a QB, like next level top of the heep insane. The SECW is now getting to the point, however, that one hand tied behind your back ain't gonna git it.
Been to Houston and back twice in the last 4 days and now in a hotel room in New Iberia (my old stomping ground) I'm just fine. Just like you to avoid the question. Damn coaches. See how that works. You ask a question, I give you an answer. I ask you a question, you answer it with a question. Its like talking to my damn wife.
Seem like we had a QB throw the ball in one game an have 6 or 7 drops, might not be the passing, might be on the other end?