This guy's situation was much worse than Sandra's but notice the difference in demeanor.;_ylt=A0LEVxB7KrhVMr0AU.1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMjg0cXZqBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjAxNjJfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=off+duty+policeman+put+hole+in+head&back='put+a+hole'+in+driver's+head&l=3:02&vid=5eb51bb86e8a060b1755fb8d40a4928f&sigr=1349sivvm&sigb=132di0c0u&sigt=123puum7b&sigi=11lt878h5
I thought the same thing, shit didn't even show much except a guy saying "oh I didn't know you were a cop"
Sorry. I would've embedded if I knew how. I quit trying to learn how to navigate Brett's software upgrades. He changes faster than my learning can keep up with. Certainly is. After 30 years, he's probably done that to too many people. There was no net back then. He needs to be shit-canned. I almost tied the two together in the title.
Finally you post one that actually looks like a bad cop. He has been charged and arrested, hopefully concerned citizens don't burn down all the black businesses in town.
Another cop out of line but yeah, that dude could definitely learn from the guy in my link. 1/ Answer the phuckin question- for sure by the 4th time it's asked 2/ Don't try to drive off moron, two-way radios travel faster than a Vette. I thought the cop in my link looked much more of a bad cop. At least the one in Mastermind's link was polite.