How bout neither, since it's just a QB in the shotgun? Why not just call it the "Let's put Shep in now" formation?
Thank you. I'm so damn sick of hearing the variations on that formation that I could puke. It's not like the A-11 offense or whatever that wacky high school formation is. It's just one player in a different position. I also get pretty tired of people saying that so-and-so will be the next so-and-so. As sports fans, we always feel compelled to compare certain athletes to prominent ones that preceded them. I guess it's a matter of convenience, but it gets pretty old. Sheppard is a lot shorter than Young (and throws a lot less like a girl), and plays a different position than Harvin. Further, I would never do a stellar character like Russell the disservice of comparing him to a Longhorn or a damn Gator. And I certainly wouldn't mention him in the same breath as a disgraced former Tiger. As far as how we should use him, I'd say when the offense needs a spark. If we're looking flat and the defense looks to have our number, Russell could easily come in and make them re-think their strategy a bit. Give them different looks out of the same formation, thus avoiding predictability. Maybe run some option to one side, then run a reverse on the option look to the other side. Kid is entirely too good and too much of a competitor to not contribute this fall.
I hope we don't use Shepard like OSU used Pryor in 2007. I think he would be pissed if we made him play in high school for another year.
Coach Urban is that you? What, getting called out once this past week for trying to get insider information on a recruit isn't enough for you. Well unlike Lame Kitten none of us are going to spill the beans to you about our top new Tiger. Really though, great post, and I am excited to see just how many roles he plays for us. I agree on the possibility of a Leak/Teabow type scenario in certain circumstances.