Look, if you're gun na spliff hairs over this nunsense, at least toke the time to tink wut u gun na say before ... what wuz I gun na say?
I just got better this year after struggling with the game my entire life. I am about a 15 handicap although just recently I had 3 outings of shooting 80. Not about to call myself a single digit handicapper until I get that consistency in my short game and putting going, which is where I lose most of my score.
So do we play as much nickel and dime this weekend with two DB's missing? Weed have to burn a redshirt to do that I'd imagine. No matter, I still think we smoke them easily. The Chief will dial up the pressure and make the barner QB feel like he's in a hotbox with no escape. I expect a high scoring game...but only on our part. They're not gonna score much. Oh well, at least they still have their trees, no thanks to the Updyke guy. I think Mike Ford gets more carries this weekend. That guy hits the corner and then vanishes like a puff of wind. I wonder how many times we pass the ball with our current QB rotation? One things for sure, the barners get vaporized. And I'm gonna smile. And eat. Gotta eat.