Yes, I was also on the "Long Term" plan. Was having too much fun in Tiger Band. Tenor Drum in 74 and 76. Bass Drum from 77-82. Eight season's. 8 years and 75 games total. The way I see it, I have more "Performances" down on the Tiger Stadium turf than anybody in the history of LSU. LSU didn't even offer either the Major or any individual classes in what I wanted to take. (Film Production) I was there strictly for the LSU/Tiger Band experience. I got the TB "Service Awards" after each season and later on from 80-82, received a TB Staff Scholarship. BTW, once you have played Football or been in the Band, everything is very anti-climatic. Doesn't matter how big the game is either, once you've been down on the field, you don't ever get that big thrill and super adrenaline rush again from just sitting in the stadium watching!.........................
See avatar. Only claim to fame is after my freshman year I figured out if I took just the minimum hours to maintain full time status (I believe it was 12) I could get in an extra football season. It took my father until the middle of my third semester as a senior (football season) to figure out what I had done. Of course by that time it was too late. He was still proud because I was the first member of either his or my mother's family to graduate from college.
Attended in 86 but grad from Harvard on da Bayou (Nicholls State). Money forced me to move back with folks.