What are you for red? I think we should secure our borders. Enforce immigration laws. Enforce gun laws on the books. If I want 5000 rounds of ammo and 30 round clips that's my business. Enforce the death penalty. Quit giving money, technology and military equipment to other countries. Balance the budget. Lower corporate taxes and put a flat tax in place. Get rid of the IRS. Drug test welfare recipients. Build govt subsidized houses out of nothing but concrete Make people live with the decisions they've made. Quit subsidizing green energy. Make politicians abide by laws they pass. Term limits for congress and kick lobbyist out. Take away the govt credit card. I buy my own gas and lunch for work, politicians can do the same. Make politicians pass background and security clearance checks prior to running for office. I had to pass it before I could work on nuclear capable weapons, the person that has control of that weapon should have to pass one also. If taxpayers want a product they can buy it themselves. and 1 weeks vacation a year. We don't need the govt telling us what we need or don't need and damn sure don't need them making us subsidize wind mills and solar panels. Get rid of the ethanol bullshit. All it has done is drive fuel and food prices up, and screw up fuel systems In vehicles, boats and small engines and line farmers pockets. Quit bailing out banks and unions. Let insurance companies sell across state lines. Competition does wonders. Did I leave anything out?