How will coronavirus affect the college football season in 2020?
Was he banned? What am I gonna do NOW? Not reading Ramah will free me up for "Great Expectations," "War and Peace," "A Song of Ice and Fire," and "Encyclopedia Brittanica" to name just a few.....
That's what happens when you live in your mother's basement and have never actually touched a woman you couldn't inflate.
What have you actually accomplish by banning at least 4 active posters? A dead & boring message board. You're already trying to over-moderate a very tiny poster base. You have 5 new posts on Tigerden today. Congratulations, the new world order almost complete? I saw you sticking your nose into the poliboard, where I normally post, trying to warn & possibly ban someone, who was factually telling the truth. People come to the boards to argue. Maybe you don't understand that. If your delicate "Sensibilities threshold" is that low & intolerant, maybe you should cease your moderating duties. Soon it will be just you, Bengal B., Shane, Stills or "islstl" & tirk. You seem to pick out only certain people, the rest, your BBQ buddies, get a pass. Here's permanent resident, Bengal B's last post: "That's what happens when you live in your mother's basement and have never actually touched a woman you couldn't inflate." So, a dumb post about "Mama's boys living underwater, with blowup sex dolls" is not offensive to you? No way that could be construed as flat out vulgar & personal attacking people. All those basements in Louisiana.. You said you went to LSU from 1979-1984. You are too damn old to be acting that offended.
While my post may not strike a chord with your effete sophisticated and dicernjng taste there was nothing remotely offensive about it to anybody less squeamish about the vernaclular. Now don't you have a wine tasting and brie judging event that requires your presence? For your information it's always dead in here when it's not football season. Especially so now that basketball and baseball have been cancelled. The only good thing about the virus is that it kept the discussion going in FSA. For your further elucidation I don't give a rats ass if I offended Ramah or not. He talked to everybody like they were dirt under his feet. Now scoot along sonnyboy. You would want to be late.