The ole coach on college game day said LSU doesn't deserve to be in the title game. Now, thats BB material!
He also said that LSU is not a great team. Even if that is true I hope some LSU players were just watching that because it made me mad. Almost seems like Lee was trying to stur up some motivation for the game.
That's not what he said. He said we lost two games and had "4 REEEALLY close" (i.e. near loses) in games that we possibly shouldn't have. I can tell you what else I didn't like.... I didn't like Early's sound bite about how we're "definately faster".... That's Buckeye bulletin board material in it's own right. Personally, I don't buy into the whole "speed thing". As a whole, yes, I DO believe the SEC has more fast players than the Big Ten. Yes, I believe we were a lot faster than Notre Dame (which plays Big Ten-like football) in last year's Sugar Bowl...but we just proved that ND was smoke-and-mirrors and quite frankly, not a good team. Ohio State IS a good team with good players. And this isn't the 1980's...Recruiting doesn't only happen in the region you're located. Players come from ALL over the country. Ohio State has players from the south...LSU has players from the north. I just don't think "speed" will play into this game as much as people think.
I saw that and laughed I was waiting for him to say Oklahoma should've been in the game. Surprised Kirk took up for us and said we are a great team. Another thing was when they were talking about our record in the Superdome and said we won a "piece" of the National Championship. They need to let that bullsh@% go they didn't slice the :crystal: in half also if we win we will be the only team with Two BCS National Championship.
The E in ESPN = entertainment. Their schtick is scripted and rehearsed. It's also living proof of the old saying about opinions and anal cavaties. Everyone has one.
I agree 110%. When they talk about USC, they say back-to-back NC, not acknowedging their first one was the lesser AP NC. And LSU split the NC although they won the BCS that year. It pisses me off as a fan, I wonder how the LSU football team percieves it? :helmet: the real 2003 :champs:
I've actually heard the ESPN crew say it both ways. When Gameday was in Baton Rouge for the VT game, I remember hearing them refer to LSU as the '03 National Champion--and added that we don't like being referred to as co-champs. But when the Gameday crew is on the west coast, they'll use wordage that appeases to the local listeners...
Corso also just picked Hawaii over Georgia, and while I think it'll be fun to watch them play, I don't think they have a realistic chance against GA. Talking heads are nothing but that...