Honestly, I hate this Mofo and wonder if he's taking any credit publicly for drafting Ronnie Brown after this weekend.
I don't think about him much anymore except one game a year... so I guess the thought is: Tiger Bait!!
View attachment 11372 A liar is always someone you CANNOT trust in a given situation. There's been a helluva lot of talented people that will never gain the trust of those around them (except fools) due to the fact that they have already shown that they will look you in the face and flat out LIE to you. The only thing that is important to these type of azzoles is themselves. They PROVE that they're only out to get something for themselves, not the people who put their trust in them. They will USE you or yours no matter how it reflects on them personally. These type of people, I say F**K em. I've no use for them.
they had him on the gameday set after the win...kinda reminds me of when he talked to the gameday crew after he beat georgia at lsu
relative to the game today. they still need to play 60 minutes to so they can ask answer the question, "how good do you want to be?" (hands chopping)