Serious question: It is obvious we are headed to a more liberal social state. How much is this going to cost? (Not just talking about money here) Also, don’t even respond if you have to bring up what Bush did..
Because of technological advances and the fact that we live in America, we will be great. We are already at a point where the poor are fat and the only thing that is expensive on earth is health care. Collectivization severely restricts growth and happiness, but we are already rich. The poorer countries will suffer for the lack of trade wi is not being as rich as possible. E gland is far more socialist than us and they are fine, but they are superior people. Human nature and a general lack of sophistication by people restricts us from maximum flourishing. Nobody actually examines any issue beyond crafting an image of themselves that they like. But we will be fine, we are already rich as fuck and have more stuff than we could ever use.
If Obama keeps us out of a war with Iran, the cost savings (money, lives, fewer terrorist attacks) could be huge. But if he can't lead sufficiently on the domestic side to turn the economy around, then the downside will be significant, in terms of loss of productivity, increased deficits, etc. But I have no idea how to quantify it all. At least the cast of Fox and Friends will have fun for the next 4 years.
Conservative and Liberals are not tolerated for too long. Neither ideal is effective, hence the constant argument. Tax cuts don't work and neither does social spending. It will swing back again when American attitude feels it is losing more again from the Democrats.
I can tell you the deficit will increase under Obama and it WILL be all his. Again, contribute if you can B/C this is all Obama and Bush has Nothing to do with the future from here on.
@Martin I am more concerned with our energy future and what might be done to pander to social interest vrs the interest of energy independence. Refinery's here in Texas are literally sitting on project money waiting for new EPA regulations.