Ha. It is the tortise and the hare sort of thing. You don't have to be an "athletic QB" if you know what to do with the damn football.
Wrong Charley Mac path was set by Paul Dietzal take a look at the record. Comparative facilities and recruiting was the same. When Stovall came in LSU was considered a top job and the talent was there. Your hatred and lack of any clue as to the past blinds you.
Seems like they should do a little homework, but that might be too much to ask. In 1976 Lou Holtz moved from NC State to the Jets, Bo Rein became the youngest college coach, he was an up and coming coach, LSU went out an got him. Cholly had spent so many years here, Bo was gonna make BTR his home. After his death during a recruiting trip, LSU turned to Jerry Stovall. Jerry had Mack Brown as the QB coach, never the OC as some would say, but Mack did call the plays from the press box.
Ok yea seniors play better than sophomores. I am pretty sure every knows that. Still the fact is he is now a Heisman candidate and we missed on him. That was the point I was making, if AJ turns in to a Prescott then I will eat some crow. Honestly I hope I am wrong here but I doubt it, and just for compression purposes here is Prescott's stats since '12 (soph season) and below is AJ's stats. Prescott's stats look better across the board. CAREER STATS SEASON CMPATTYDSCMP% YPALNG TD INT SACK RAT 2014146239223161.19.34 74 18 714 158.5 2013156267194058.47.2765 10 78 126.6 2012182919462.16.6929 4 01 163.8 CAREER STATS SEASON CMPATTYDSCMP%YPALNGTDINTSACKRAT 201480170126647.17.45949615120.0 2013132918144.86.2449114101.7 Again my point is we missed a Heisman candidate in our own back yard, kind of stings a little.
Dakota was an ok QB in high school, kind of a athlete playing QB, he has worked hard to improve his skills. He had been committed to MooU for over a year. LSU would love to sign every player in the state, but for some strange reason can't. I wish Dak only the best from here on out.
100% agree with that. Don't get me wrong I would love to see a Louisiana boy win the Heisman, just wish it was on LSU.
It's not as much now, but for years, the best athlete on a team played QB. Look back at former and now LSU players, Joe Addai, Spencer Ware, Michael Clayton, Early Doucet. A few years back the LSU Baseball team had 7 or 8 former high school QB's on the roster. If not for an injury, Bobby Herbert would never had played the position. He was a very good DB