Hillary's E-Mail (Breaking News: Smoking Gun Officially Announced)

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    But still powerful and completely real. And our adversary's numbers are down in correspondence. You were quite wrong when you said we have disarmed ourselves. The US is powerfully armed and you cannot deny this.

    What general in a budget hearing has ever said "we have everything we want"? It has never happened. But what they did NOT say is that NATO is useless and they lack confidence that they can stop Russia, which is what you claimed they said.

    I already showed you that we spend 18 times as much on military spending as Russia but you keep ignoring it. I don't blame you, you really have no argument, do you?
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    A few points. You said we have gotten stronger yet we have reduced our force, disarmed nuclear armaments, and not moderized as we should have.

    so again, you said we are stronger. Not me. We aren't.

    Secondly, when talking about NATO, you go continuously mention what the US does, which is my point. The US is NATO. Take us out of it and there is nothing more than countries waiting to be taken.

    We are everything to world peace. Which was the point I was making. Any increase in strength in NATO comes from us and is us.

    The fact that some shithole NATO country spends 2% of their worthless GDP on their military is utterly worthless.

    Finally, they did ask the general if presented with modern day threats what their confidence was and I posted what theY said word for word. GO READ IT AGAIN.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The overwhelming fact is out side of maybe Britain, we are the only country on the planet that could take Russia. Further not only would we be facing Russia, but likely North Korea and China as well.

    We can't take on the world again, we aren't strong enough and unless we want to drop nukes everywhere, it is imparratiVe that NATO countries do MUCH MORE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES.
  4. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Let me suggest that the only thing we have not modernized is the old ICBM's. ICBM are simply targets in this day and age, even the "mobile" ones the russiam are so proud of have bases and are not mobile all the time. We have our best missiles on the submarines because we own the ocean and they can hide really, really, really well. The Russians cannot access the ocean very well and we can track them every time they must pass through all of the checkpoints that exist for them and do not exist for us.

    We are. We are way ahead of the Russian in stealth technology, satellite technology, intelligence capability, global logistics. We have fewer ships and planes but they are far more capable. And our covert research budget has gotten very black in recent years. Something is happening there.

    For once in your life, back this up with some evidence. I have already pointed out that Britain and France are nuclear powers with big navies and armies and experience and permanent members of the UN Security Council. Germany is a huge economic engine. Collectively, their forces are almost as large as ours. Of course, the main reason NATO is not worried about Russia is that they have a Superpower on board. This does not make the rest of them incapable. the very idea is ignorant of many facts. The main reason being that no one can take the US out of NATO, including Donald Trump. It's just foolish talk from a fool.

    What have you got to back this up? Nothing I've seen so far.

    I can see that your have never been to Europe and understand nothing about just how rich, modern, and powerful they are. It is not the third world. You're quite wrong. They have been involved in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Libya, they have navies, armies, and air forces that are modern and respectable for their size. To call them "utterly useless" is utterly ridiculous.
  5. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    This has been the case since 1945, what is your point? Britain is a member of NATO you know.

    Russia and China have no vital interests in common and threaten each other more that we threaten them. The only thing they agree on is any measures that hamper American world hegemony. Their favorite scenario is for the other one to lose a war with the US so that they can take advantage of it in Asia.

    We are not weak at all, you are listening to propaganda from Russia and their stooge that running for President of the USA. Russia is not threatening NATO, NATO is threatening them. We have put a highly advanced anti-ICBM missile system right on their border. We have moved heavy brigades further east. We have engineered the collapse of their puppet strongmen in Iraq and Libya and we have made things difficult for the ones in Syria and North Korea.

    Yes, Europe does need to pay what they have promised, but that does not mean that they have paid nothing. Non-America NATO forces are still significant. Europe has not recovered from the 2008 recession as well as we have under Obama and they have lagged a bit, true. But they have recovered better than Russia which is a financial mess. Russia simply cannot afford a war with Europe, they can't even afford a war with Ukraine! They certainly have the military capability to take over the whole country just like they did the Crimea. But like we have found out in Iraq and Afghanistan and they have found out in Chechnya and Georgia . . . the enormous costs of invasion and occupation of a hostile population is rarely worth what is gained.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The point has been made, not my fault if you can't see it. I don't think I put you down, I said you didn't understand how spec ops work based on the statement you made. I still know I'm right and that's not a knock on you. You can't know what you don't know. No biggie.
    LSUpride123 and islstl like this.
  7. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    But he certainly can pretend to know. That attribute seems to be a strength of his.
    LSUpride123 and Bengal B like this.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Why would I let you suggest something different than the Generals in the field?

    How do you know this? What General has told you this? That is not in the report.

    1st, the United stats GDP is almost 18 trillion. The next closet in NATO is Germany with 3.4 Trillion.

    I dunno, maybe you can add that up....

    So for you to say "Collectively, their forces are almost as large as ours" is exactly my fucking point.

    Since 2013, NATO defense spending has decreased each year.... Not yo mention more than half of the NATO countries dont even meet the defense spending standard.

    Without the US they ARE utterly useless and would get swept in days. It is 100% fact.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Whats my point? Seriously?

    If you dont think China would make its claims in the ASIA Pacific while the US is tied up with Russian bullshit, you are grossly mistaken. North Korea is chomping at the bit to let losse.

    Did I say we are weak? No I said we do not have the means to fight another world war right now in an effective manner. So did the Generals.

    Did I say they paid nothing? What I said is that we are the overwhelming majority dollar wise and without the US, they would collapse. Why is this difficult for you to understand?

    You libs wanna bitch and moan about defense spending, well, then you should agree with Trump who actually wants to be compensated for Global Peace.

    Or we can bend over and Suck Saudi's dick from the back like Osama and HRC would have us do.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I never did deny it. You said Obama has made us stronger.

    I dunno, maybe to you reducing military personnel, nuclear armament, and downsizing across the board to include spending is getting stronger.


    My beef isn't with the US vs Russia. I know we would win. It would take just about everything we have.

    I wont state my point again.

    You are worse than TigerTap when it comes to debating. And thats saying something.
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