Anybody here follow High school football? How are all of our recruits looking so far? I know it's early in the season, but I haven't heard any news about them & was wondering if anything has stood out yet or anything. Thanks
Richard Murphy is off to a historic-level start. He is KILLING teams...last game he was responsible for 39 out of 42 pts (5Rush, 1pass, 1 FG).
1 fg?! hahaha Now that is the type of guy I like! Versatile!! Ex: Clayton, D. Davis, Laron Landry, Spears those are just a FEW
the running back from jonesboro hodge (cant remember his name) didn't fare so well friday night. they got beaten by minden very bad. he did not score a td. i work with a guy whose son plays for minden and was at the game and he said every time the kid who committed to lsu touched the ball he was hit hard by about 5 guys.
Charles Scott. I woulnd't read too much into it, every video that I've seen of him he is absolutely trucking people. He is going to be a monster. Reminds me of Lendale White out at USC.