I know, which would have been good for both him and LSU. Shep having a chance in the NFL was slim from the day graduated HS, but he "should" have had a much more successful college career
Couldn't have said it any better myself. What first round offensive draft picks has LSU had the last several years, excluding the epic bust of JaMarcus Russell? I nearly asked that in response to another's clueless comment.
I was a huge RS fan coming into 08 season. I actually helped coach his little Cousins pop Warner team, (Craig Lostons little brother) Who btw is 10 years old and has already verbally committed to LSU(not officially) but he lives P&G. I followed Brockers his last 2 years of HS a Chavez, when he lost to Stratford an Andrew Luck in the payoffs two years in a row. I'm now following Adam Taylor a nice RB recruit coming out of Katy, but wondering if he stays committed. Because this RB by committee is becoming about as unsuccessful as a 2 QB system. Pick 1 or 2 damn RB's and let them get into a damn rhythm! Its very important for a RB to find his rythm, it takes multiple carries for them get there some times. Look at Florida's RB tonight. Slow start but after 20 to 25 carries he started exploiting our holes!
Guy, it is a HEAD COACHES job to DEVELOPE his talent. What part of that are you failing to recognize???? Why do you continue to blame players for their underdevelopment? You sit there and act like we recruit bottom of the pack. Even if LSU did (which they dont) Guess what, bottom of the pack recruits all over the country are HEAD AND SHOULDERS above this LSU offense. You are truly delusional bro. Miles NEEDS an offense, he has always needed an offense, this is nothing new! He is the HEAD COACH, you do realize what the HEAD COACH is responsible for don't you? EVERYTHING! So unless you agree our offense is good and has no issues, I hate to break it you, you realize that means you DO agree that Les Miles NEEDS to improve. His offense is POOR!
What part if Miles only develops D talent over O sounds logical to you? Never mind, I forgot who I was talking too. No one said this team is perfect but the calling for heads after a 13-1 season and our 1st loss this season is stupidity and reinforces the fact that you do not understand Anything about the innards and logistics of football. Sure lets fire people now In mid stride and end up like Arkansas...
Nada. Players that were LSU's BEST on offense, are avg. to below avg. in the NFL Tolliver LaFell Randle Scott Murphy K Williams Ridley (but give him time, he is still my boy!) Lee Holiday
Maybe Miles should be a Defensive Coordinator. Is not uncommon for HC to be better on one side of the ball, and when they are, they usually go back just being an DC (Wade Phillips) or they don't want to become a HC (John Chavis) OR if they want to stay HC, they recognize their weakness and hire a damn strong OC or DC to pick up their slack! Nobody is saying fire anybody! We are just asking for Miles to let an OC do their job, and if our cant, find one who can! Mid stride? No! At the end of the year, before or after the meineke car care bowl
I just don't get all the threads 1 loss in.. So much season left any y'all have packed it in.. Goodnight!!