Herbstreit - ESPN report unethical?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by houtiger, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    I think that now that the Luckeyes are in, Herbie feels like his work is done, and can now be honest. Doesn't matter who the second team is, as long as Ohio St. is in.
  2. Tigerrifle

    Tigerrifle Freshman

    Nov 29, 2007
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    I think that Herbie and a lot of other media types are trying to smooth things over...make amends. Works for me!:LSU231:
  3. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Considering the results, SEC Champions and CLM staying, herbie's report could have been the best thing that could have happened to us.

    This team rallied around their leader and fought thru numerous injuries and a few refs who apparently felt no need to penalize the other team once. With a team that has appeared to have trouble getting "up" for a game the last few weeks, no problem yesterday.

    I say.....thank you herbie :thumb:

    btw..have to be nice to herbie...hooking me and my boy up w/ 50 yrd line tix if LSU makes the NCG :D
  4. JP4LSU

    JP4LSU Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Mitch on Sports Reporters was just bashing Miles for his PC before the game. Saying his people have been cultivating the story and working on Miles going to UM and getting attention for himself for several weeks.

    Then Mitch said it is the most disingenuous thing for Miles to call a PC and complain about media reporting information that he has brought the attention to himself.

    I think Mitch Albom is wrong on this. Mile wasn't complaining about media reporting on the story but he specifically complained about ESPN reporting false information. Miles didn't complain about the broad spectrum of media writing stories and speculating. He complained about 1 specific media outlet that has a candid audience on Saturday Morning and they were reporting info they shouldn't have been reporting.

    Also a couple of the guys on S.R. are saying OU should go. The controversy is with who will be #2, but the story is that OSU is #1 and nobody really thinks they are the #1 team.

    I have a feeling that LSU doesn't make it to #2. LSU just hasn't really been dominating in most of their wins while. But LSU hasn't been dominated in their losses like OU(T Tech game), Vtech, and UGA.

    I think OU is the team that could jump us, b/c they dominated Mizzou and an INT gave us the victory. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I saw that too. He's just pissed because the team his employer supports got snubbed on national TV. I didn't have a problem with what Miles' did and I don't think many others do either. If nothing else, it pumped his team up, so f**k Mitch Albom and the Detroit Free Press.

    As for Herbstreit, I don't think he did anything unethical. Clair can speak to this better than I, but I think the rule of thumb for the media scooping a story is that they have to have 2 independent, reliable sources confirm the same story. If 2 sources confirm the same story, it's usually deemed credible.
  6. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    "If 2 sources confirm the same story, it's usually deemed credible."

    That's what I was talking about. That's how Woodward & Bernstein did it, and is supposed to be a standard.
  7. Uncle Milty

    Uncle Milty Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    I saw that as well. When they started. Smith, Albom & Lupica all agreed that Georgia should go with Ohio St. Then they started talking about how it would be better if they held the polls until the season was a few weeks old. Well if they did that, the polls would be starting about the time Tennessee murdered the Dawgs. Where would Georgia be then? They just don't take the time to make any sense, sometimes.
  8. tboy

    tboy Founding Member

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Based on Herbstreit's own words he did something very unethical. He said early this week he learned Miles was leaving for Michigan. Two points:
    1. He apparently held this story so that he could break it right before the
    2. With things as fluid as they are in coaching negotiations and Miles agent negotiating with LSU (even ranters knew he was in town) why would the old info still be valid.

    The bottom line is that ESPN and Herby didn't care, they just wanted to break a story and make news. They didn't care about Miles, his family, his team, nothing else.
  9. TC

    TC Le Big Mac

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Are you sure Desmond is a member of the search committee? It would seem unethical of ESPN to employ him as a commentator if he held said position at U of M. Desmond mustn't have been too hands-on in the search, since he was reporting from Hawaii yesterday. :eek:ldskule:
  10. TigerNTNichills

    TigerNTNichills Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Question didn't ESPN start this last week when your team played Ark ?

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