Wow. Another lecture. Did YOU lecture Sabanfan when he threatened to hunt me down and kill me if we lost a game, or did you give HIM the benefit of the doubt? Did his post open the board to discussions well enough for you? Was that not personal, with no hostility? How did you find his delivery? Good? Just checking. I think if you will go back and look that my opinions, while not popular, have been the catalyst for some good posts here (and some not so good). If you are a rah-rah guy, you get free reign to insult, threaten, and berate those that are not. Its just the way it is. And I am not complaining, because I understand it. I would be much more popular if I just said "there is nothing that could have been done better Sat night". I know this. Its just not my nature to lie to myself or others. I don't need acceptance that bad, or as Dwight Yoakam sang, "I ain't that loney yet". I have posted my opinions and backed those opinions up with supporting facts. I've been reading here for a while and there are alot of posters that offer FAR less than that. Hey whatever.
Ok, my fault. Did you make a suggestion to Sabanfan? I have no doubt everyone here goes about their happy way and sleeps sound as babies. Why shouldn't they?
Ok, cool. I'm relatively new here and I am just trying to see where consistency ends and hypocrisy begins. I think if your mantra is "Go Team Go" and you have all positives to say, you can imagine hunting someone down and killing them with no issues. If you think we didn't play particularly well and voice that concern, you must be sure you don't words are checked carefully and your delivery is acceptable to all. I feel like the kids in Southpark, "You know, I've learned something today".