I have my 4 year old on her own individual policy with 0 deductible. Costs less than $200 bucks. I now have a newborn as of Dec 22 and I called to add her onto her own policy the same setup as my 4 year old. FAIL. You can't do that anymore because of Health Care Reform laws. The lowest deductible for about the same price is $2800. What a crock.
Don't blame the liberals for this fine piece of (crap) legislation. In my opinion this was a big money big ticket bill that does nothing but put more money in the hands of the people who will drop you for not dotting an i. The insurance companies. I bet if you look at campaign funding for Obama and the democrats you will see alot of money pumped into their campaigns by insurance companies.
The current setup is a watered down crap version of a much needed healthcare reform bill. Americans support reform, republicans don't. Remember, what was passed was the reform version the republicans supported, but as we all know, the republicans actually want it to fail. That was shown very clear, everything in the bill that would actually help,.. the repugs fought against tooth and nail. Obama needed to get something passed, so a deal was brokered. The damn Democrats knew better, but it looked like too tough a fight, and they are greedy pigs too, so I think they pussied out and went with the money. The welfare of the country should come first, not special interest money,.. alas, our dilemma.
Reform yes, socialized medicine no. RINO Romney already tried that and everyone knows it doesn't work, why try it on a much larger scale? I love this one. So if that is true, then why is it the thing was dead until they had to bribe a handful of DEM senators to get it through? Remember at this time the leftys had control of BOTH houses by a wide enough margin to push anything through. On this we can agree
Liberals? If you say so, but the Health Care Reform Act was proposed by a Democrat president and passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress. Republicans did not give this mess a single vote. As for insurance companies, yes, they have donated heavily to Obama and the Dems since '08. Proving nothing; they always donate to both parties (playing both sides of the field), and always spend more on the GOP. Insurance | OpenSecrets
Truth is, I don't remember how it all went down, and I don't want to get pissed off while looking it up. What I recall is, Obama needed some republican support in order to get a bill passed. So the compromising began,.. and Obama gave away the farm, tearing the heart out of the reform I was hoping for. I was very disappointed, disgusted actually, and my respect for Obama has plummeted. I had been glued to the TV news since the OJ trial, through Clinton's scandal,.. Bush/Gore,.. 911,.. Afghan/Iraq,.. Obama/McCain. I was watching news at least 3 hours a day. The healthcare debacle changed something in me, I guess my hope was dashed. Anyway, the result is, I don't watch news much anymore. I suppose the upcoming election will get me involved again.
Totally the same way man. I used to watch at least 3 hours of news a day, and then one day about 7 months ago, I completely stopped, and I can't even begin to tell you how much it's changed my attitude, i'm not nearly as mean spirited, or negative. And I refuse to watch any type of political anything anymore. I just don't give a sh!t anymore. The way I see it, America is done, over, doomed. Ive made peace with it. Just gonna worry about my family and my community, and everything else just isn't my problem.
That's not what happened. He had no republican support and got no republican support. They were never behind and he never got a single vote from a republican. He ripped the heart out of the bill to appease the more centrist democrats. He couldn't jam it through as it was because a lot of the members of his own party wouldn't support it. But I'm with you on the news cycle. I follow economic news, local, national, and global. That's about it. I don't have the heart to care about social issues, wars, etc. All politicians make me sick.