He wants Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUDad, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'll tell what I don't understand about you. You've made up your mind about both of these guys based on practically nothing.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Neither is Harris.

    Did your crystal ball predict this? You can't know. Both will get better. One will get better than the other, perhaps.

    So why throw Jennings under the bus? These two are all we've got.
    Richdog and ParadiseiNC like this.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Wrong again. I have a seen Jennings start/play in every game since Ark last year. He isn't any better today. He has peaked. Reached the top of his mountain. Grabbed the aluminum ring.

    Like I said, not throwing him under the bus just stating fact. He isn't that good.

    Ahh but we just don't know what Harris will be. Jury still out. Apparently he had enough for Les to start him @ Auburn and yes it didn't go well. I'm willing to cut him some slack beings it was his first start on the road.

    What would/could he do with more meaningful practice time? More 1 on 1 with Cam? More chances to work on timing with ALL the wide outs?

    Again we don't know.

    The thing is, and I get your premise, I do I just don't think you are looking objectively from my side.

    If Jennings is the starter then he will continue to get the Lions share of practice and time. There is no way for Harris to compete on equal ground. I am not saying Harris is the next coming of Montana, I'm saying we don't know but I would like to find out. Especially while they are both young.
    Rouxleaux likes this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It shows.

    What team finishes first every season? I can't imagine anything so unrealistic as expectations that are impossible and has never been done in the history of football. You will never be happy. Just a permanent buzzkill.

    Me, I'm delighted to watch good LSU football year in and year out. I'm happy if we are perennial contenders that go to major bowls and get into a National Championship game every four years or so. I think averaging 10 wins a season for a decade is pretty good and better than 90% of the teams out there. I realize that rebuilding years happen from time to time. I realize that we are playing in the toughest division in history outside of the NFL.
    titoabad1, didit, StaceyO and 2 others like this.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    So you have a crystal ball, too.:rolleyes:

    I keep having to remind you that your opinions are not facts.


    Well, this is true. You don't know anything about practice. You are guessing.

    It would be a poor discussion if I did. You ain't exactly objective yourself.

    Amigo, try to show a little patience. They can't be experienced juniors overnight. Both are seeing the field. Both have had starts. Both are practicing and playing. I think both are improving.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ok I'm done. 3 years from now when 10 is still the same I will bring it up again.
  7. Robidoux87

    Robidoux87 You call that a double?

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't live in New England, but I bet they have their share of fans that think Belichick should be shown the door for the audacity of zero Super Bowl titles since 2005.

    Some people, man. Some people.
    titoabad1, LSUDad and ParadiseiNC like this.
  8. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    I can appreciate the frustrations and concerns of the QB position, play calling, and play clock management issues that many of us have about CLM. But, do you throw out the baby w/the bath water? Much of your contention above is subjective and opinionated, which you are entitled to. You are assuming Rettig and Rivers would be better than AJ and Harris. But, none of us are at practice, or are professional assessors of talent and ability, something the coaches are paid to do everyday. @shane contends that AJ has already reached his peak. Two years out of high school? By that logic, Mett was way past his peak when he entered his second season here, and Rivers and Rettig are past it, so how is their absence that meaningful? Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have them, have more competition, and who knows maybe they are gamers? But, right now, our coach, with all of his frustrations, feels that AJ is the best at the position - not necessarily the best passer, or the best runner, but the best QB and best game manager. CLM's won more games than anyone in the history of LSU football, and has the best average wins per season, to boot. As others have pointed out, only 4 other teams/coaches are ahead of this in his comparative era.

    I get the want to win championships. I, too, feel we have squandered away several opportunities, and we have had some serious talent come through LSU that did not experience a NC (but they did experience SEC C's). It's disappointing. But, I personally would rather have CLM and his frustrations, than the unknown and the likely years of trying to get the right fit, etc. Red, BP, StaceyO, Robidaux, LaSalle, myself, and others are likely viewed as sunshine pumpers, but I really think we just have more realistic expectations. You can expect to compete for championships each and every year, and have that as goals, but you can't realistically expect to actually achieve that year after year when there are over 200 other teams, and you are in the toughest division of the toughest conference in the country. If you are falling way short of your goals, then you have to consider making a change, but with the overall success that CLM has produced at LSU (success measured by simply wins, but also by running a class program, recruiting, etc, etc) you can't just come in and change the regime because he is not managing the QBs the way some fans think he should, or because he has weaknesses like clock mgt, or because he's only won 1 NC and several SECC's in 10 years. Just not realistic, IMHO.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Jesus you are long winded.

    Listen closely. The peak isn't 2 years out of high school. It is different for each and every player. AJ is as good as he ever will be. Mett got better as he went. He will get even better in the pros. AJ is as far as he will ever go as far as being a qb.
  10. Rouxleaux

    Rouxleaux Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Not to stir the pot but I can somewhat empathize about the "not first your last mentality" here. Again to an extent. I think what people want is to be relevant each year, the possibility of making it all the way each year. I think we all can see it is freaking difficult to win championships much less multiple champs. I can't speak for everyone but I want us to be in the hunt each and every year. Lately I just don't see that we have been there, I see us slipping each year. Hell when was the last time we were out of the top 25?

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