Did you see this part in the article? This is supposedly true... http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/25/national/25church.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&
That's just bizarre. I mean, how does one fuck a dog and later... hold congregation for believers? Makes them snake hollerin sold on belief christian exhibitionist look like Sally Fields.
What episode was this in? Im on 5 now and my on demand only shows me to 6, I can't believe I missed it. If so I'm going back for round 2. See what else I need to pick up on.
Well after episode 6 I am convinced they should have named this show "Women With Great Asses" Hello Maggie, WOW!
I knew we were in for a treat when we got the old SC-Strong Sexual Content at the beginning of the episode. It didn't disappoint.
She hit Cohle like a prom queen yet had the maturity to be escorted to the door in under 2 minutes. Marty can't say the same for his hits. Her kill shot to Marty was "it was the best she'd had since the girls". I think she meant it. Heartless bitch. ...but still, that ass ain't no joke. To have a heart breaker like that at near double the age of her old man's studio brats makes me wonder why Marty was even looking in the first place. No an ounce of potato chips on that ass, not one.