I find that binary systems quote to be interesting. I also imagine Rust surviving being he hates life, and Marty kicking the bucket because he loves life.
That was underwhelming. Kind of felt like there was a ton of stuff left on the table. Like, HBO read the script but only gave them 8 episodes to tell the story. It was a good ending but not the "oh wow" ending I was looking for. Guess the stumper moment was Marty finding faith? Hell of a good ride though and I am not going to let the ending overshadow the fact that this was an awesome series that left you always wanting more.
Yeah too much left undone. Superb job of acting by MM though. I think the best parts of this entire series are the car conversations. A few weeks until game of thrones starts back up, and who knows, maybe next seasons true detective will have some sort of tie in with this seasons, although that's not how it's supposed to go, but money talks. HBOGO shut down for about an hour and a half tonight because so many people were trying to watch True Detective.
HBO saw scripts for two episodes and then gave Nic the go-ahead. No restrictions were placed on the length. In fact, I read that HBO wanted him to stretch it to 13 episodes. Nic wanted each season to be its own "novel" and that's what it felt like to me. I felt the end was pretty damn good. They each saved the other's life and the final thoughts were a bit of cosmic optimism from Cohle. What was left undone? I think the rampant internet speculation ran wild and left a lot of people feeling unsatisfied, but that's their own fault. The writer tried to warn people over the last month that he wasn't trying to trick the viewers with symbology. Some of it did mean something and some of it was intentional, but it was to create continuity in the storytelling. There was no scavenger hunt. It's not 'Lost'.
I thought the ending was great. It was obvious to me in Episode 7 that the ending would be something like this. Good show, I look forward to next season, and coincidentally, I'm leaving Lake Charles and on my way to Erath for a meeting.
What was left undone? You're joking right? What about the numerous men in that video of Marie Fontenot? That whole clan of ritualistic psychos are still out there.
There was some undone but MLU is on the right track. The creator mentioned that this story was just about Marty and Rust persepctive. Marty told Rust "We got our guy" when they discussed what was still left unsettled. The rest of the story is for others to take care of. I can live with that because Rust was so detailed in his investigation that we knew what was going on with great detail and it did show like a novel.
They actually have meetings in Erath that aren't some type of festival, I thought it was the Rice or Frog that they had in Erath but I think they are Crowley and Rayne. Interesting, little place is growing up.