Have the players lost confidence in Miles?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by locoguano, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    At the time it wasn't. And the one this thread is about certainly is "verifiable", all one would need is to know a player...or parent...or friend of the family or either. Have no idea on this one in particular and jus speaking in general, btw.

    Though if I had to guess I'd say they have not given up on Miles. In fact, I think they're quite supportive of him from all I've seen/read. Loco wasn't citing it as a fact to begin with.
  2. Celtic Tiger

    Celtic Tiger Tiger Stadium West Dorm

    Sep 9, 2006
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    You need to just stop and think.
    Everyone wants to act like their plugged in.
    Have you ever been on a team? Was your kid ever on a team? Team business stays mostly in the locker-room. A relative could be a third cousin. Do you tell your third cousin everything. The player could be disgruntled or a parent upset because their kid is not playing.

    Think! This kind of info would be all over the papers, already. It would come from multiple sources. It would not come from a team that is 7 and 1.

    Think! This is one loss. Would you buy a new car because you got a flat tire on highway at 4:00 in the morning(one loss). The car has been working great(undefeated till now). The flat was way inconvenient, but they always are. Buy a new car(one loss coach)? It wouldn't be a new car(coach, probably more than one loss), because someone has already driven it.

    Think! Bama scheduled a bye before this game. That is like checking out your car right before you enter the race at Talladega.

    Think! How many top players you know quit after one loss. Do you quit after a setback(say Katrina).

    I think not. I know Not.
  3. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Its a starter... and the relative is an uncle who basically raised the kid.
  4. Celtic Tiger

    Celtic Tiger Tiger Stadium West Dorm

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Then there is something wrong with your plugin, likely a short
    The Tigers are 7 & 1 and still had a chance to win last game going into the 4th quarter. Last few weeks the team was defending their coach in the media. That player has issues can't be talking for the whole team, it sounds like he picked the wrong school. In every locker room there is buisness that never comes home. It seems you want to stir the pot!!! because you are the only source.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That ain't what I said. What I said was that I dismiss such reports on the basis that they're unsubstantiated. You may swallow all the cock-and-bull that you wish.

    The Saban rumors were quickly backed up by people on the record. Secrets don't last long around big programs. This one started last year and has never developed legs.
  6. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Isn't stirring the pot the point of a message board? All I did was say "This is what I heard..." and I stated that others have said differently...

    The point that is being missed here is if it is something that is happening, even if its a few players, then it is an early sign of bad things to come. The worst thing that can happen to a coach is that the players lose confidence in his abilities.

    The real issue here is that if someone says something that others dislike, then the insults begin immediately. There is nothing wrong with saying, "I say its bogus," or "If its true it is very isolated," but instead, insults and insinuations.

    If most of my posts are negative, they are out of frustration that some very good kids are being held back by a mediocre coaching staff. Even JJ, who I have taken shots at (need to stop drinking during games), is being done a disservice by the coaches because he is being asked to run an offense that he does not excel at... The Spread Option.
  7. Gold Nugget

    Gold Nugget Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    I heard from a player's mother's plumber that locoguano is a raging homosexual who hangs out at day cares around Baton Rouge with video cameras.

    Take it for what its worth. Not saying its true,just what I heard.
  8. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    People tend to confuse facts with their own emotions.. Are there players on the team that don't necessarily agree with Miles' strategy? Certainly there are, just like there are guys that agree with it. But just because a few of the players might or might not not like the way he's calling the shots doesn't mean there's mutiny in the horizon. All of those guys want LSU to win games, and they know for a fact they can't do it by going against Coach Miles. Hell, I don't agree with my boss all the time, but I still respect him and work hard for him.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I have no issue with your post as long as you have no issue with someone calling BS on it.

    Well, there are always a few players every year on every team that get disgruntled and leave. We had a 4th string quarterback do that last summer. Every team has some grumblers, too. Often they blame the coach and suggest that the whole team feels that way. Only no other team members ever back them up.

    There has not been any mass exodus, no drop in recruiting, not discernible drop in morale. As a whole, this team is as personally cohesive as any I've seen.

    But there never has been any sort of mutiny or even widespread discontent like that found among internet fans. These guys are teammates and they are in it with their coaches and they don't think like internet fans. No player has gone on record as saying that "the team" has lost confidence in their coach. No sportswriter close to the action has risked his credibility on such a scoop, if it were true. Insiders who leak information have not told this one. Got no legs.

    A player grumbling to a family member who tells it to a friend of a friend who posts it on the internet . . . just doesn't constitute "the team" losing confidence in Miles, in my book.
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  10. QBLuke

    QBLuke Hickey Da God

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Oh, the imagination game! How fun!

    Now, let's imagine that Lee was given twice as many snaps as JJ against McNeese and failed to crack 100 yards. Oh wait, that actually happened.

    Oh well.
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