Has LSU announced what they are doing to honor Leach?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by CagedTiger, Dec 24, 2022.

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  1. CagedTiger

    CagedTiger Freshman

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Just about every college football game I've watched, the teams have been honoring Leach is some way. Has LSU announced what it will be doing? I saw Houston coaches yesterday came out with the burgundy sweatshirts with State across it, which I thought was cool. Several teams have also come out with some really good looking helmet decals. Has anyone heard anything?
  2. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    I'll probably get burned for this, but why should LSU be obligated to do anything? He never played or coached at LSU.

    Sure, he was a great guy and a pretty good coach but I think some of the teams bending over backwards to honor him look kind of foolish, actually. Somewhere a bunch of communication personnel are in some offshoot of political correctness to "get in front of their messaging" or some other bullshit trade lingo mindset.

    "Everyone else is doing it, we better do something."

    Fuck that. I'm sad he's gone and I feel bad for his family but he had absolutely zero to do with LSU.

    How many of these other schools bent over backwards to pay tribute to Bo Rein when he asphyxiated at 10,000 feet and his plane plunged into the Atlantic Ocean? I'm pretty sure the answer is zero.
  3. BornOnTheBayou

    BornOnTheBayou 2022 Masters Pick 'Em Champion

    Sep 26, 2021
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    I agree with your comments.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I don't think we need to do anything special, either.

    It's sad that he died, but like was previously mentioned, he didn't have a particular connection to LSU.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    That is what is wrong with today's America. Everyone is all up in their feels! It's bullshit! The Pirate was awesome, loved his style and his swag and its tragic that he died so young. Oh well!

    Move on!
    mctiger likes this.
  6. CagedTiger

    CagedTiger Freshman

    Nov 11, 2021
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    I have to admit I'm shocked at your callous responses. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because it's a sad reflection of where our society is now. I hope LSU does something in remembrance of him. Not only did he revolutionized the game, he did it his way against the toughest competition across the country. Unlike most coaches who have sheets of plays, Leach had a handful of plays listed on a small card and was still able to successfully compete in the mighty SEC, Pac 12 and Big 12. He was also very eccentric, but didn't try to hide it. In fact, that's what made him special and fun to watch and listen speak. I feel confident in saying there will never be another coach in our lifetime that will affect the game, on and off the field, more than Leach. I think that in itself is worthy of honoring him in someway.
  7. Herb

    Herb Founding Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    1. He didn't revolutionize the game. Those are platitudes attributed to him because he died suddenly and was well-liked. There is nothing about football that didn't exits before he was the lucky swimmer that got to his mom's ovum 1st.
    2. He didn't do it against the toughest competition - unless you are only talking about the last few years of his career.
    3. You can confidently say that in our lifetime there will never be another affect the game more. The reason I say that is because - aside from adjusting to changes in rules - there will not be anything new pioneered about football.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Let the SEC front office honor him. Individual campuses don’t need to in my opinion.
  9. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    He was an integral part of quite a few LSU wins, last I saw... :/

    Just a nice likeable guy. Nothing exotic/elaborate required. Maybe just a moment of silence while BK folds up chairs.
  10. CagedTiger

    CagedTiger Freshman

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Wow, dude you must really dislike Leach and life in general. That's just downright low to call him the "lucky swimmer." You are a cold and callous person! The other stuff is debatable and can be argued either way, but you're a heartless human being that needs counseling!
    Richdog likes this.
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