Now comes the worst part. The scam artists descending upon the Gulf Coast to take advantage of the victims of Harvey. Shooting them would be too kind.
That, alone, should be grounds for you to never post about a tropical system again. Dallas was completely unscathed by Harvey--until the Great Gasoline Shortage of 2017. Now, being a Louisiana native, I made sure all three cars at my house were filled up on Sunday, since the price hikes were coming. Starting last night, gas became very scarce in North Texas, and by today, there are lines that go on for blocks and blocks trying to get into any station (few though they are) that has gas. Driving back from my daughter's football game tonight, I couldn't even get into my neighborhood the way I usually go home because of the back-up at the Kroger gas station across the street from my neighborhood. Now, I'm sitting up, worrying about my newly-licensed 16-year-old driving herself home and hitting that traffic tonight. (She still isn't home, and of course, I cannot go to sleep until she's safely under my roof.)
It's Labor Day weekend, of course gas prices are going to spike. It'll be back to $2 or less a gallon on Tuesday.