Does anyone have a link to where you can see how each voter in the Harris Poll voted ? On the bcsguru's site he said that Craig Morton voted us 11th. I think this would be interesting to see .
Its true, and look at this. Bill Arnsparger No. 1: Ohio State No. 2: Kansas No. 3: Oklahoma No. 4: Virginia Tech No. 5: LSU :huh:
Is this the same Craig Morton that used to QB the Broncos? What's he got against LSU? Or did he just take one too many hits in the NFL?
I remember the days at Dallas with Morton and Staubach. Morton was a looser then and this proves that he is still a looser!
Trust me tOSU has their own idiots. Jon Wilner from San Jose Mercury Timesthat put us 8th this week. Way too much bias by sports writers.
Ooops! spel cheker neeeded. Morton is a ideot!!:thumb: :helmet: :champs: :helmet: :champs: :helmet: :geaux:ldskule: :geaux: