Hard Core Fans vs Casual Fans

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Bengal B, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Nah, I have too much time. Those posts are more to do with community than football, really. I enjoy you assholes. I thought I'd have quit reading here long ago.
  2. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Answers above in quote. You maybe able to question my participation, but not my passion. I love LSU (and the Saints) like they were family. When they lose, I feel like I lose. When they win, the world is a better place! WHO DAT AND GEAUX TIGERS!!!
    Rouxleaux, didit and lsu-i-like like this.
  3. LSUBraveheart

    LSUBraveheart Veteran Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    As anybody who attends most or are all of the games in Tiger Stadium on a yearly basis can attest, there has definitely been a "Shift" in the overall atmosphere and intensity of the crowd the last few years.

    Not quite as intense from start to finish as it used to be.

    "Hard Cores" are slowly but surely being Priced-Out and replaced with "Casuals."

    LSU is selling just as many Season Tickets, but they're not being purchased by hard core LSU fans. They're "Corporate" ST's that are bought by companies to give to their employees, clients, friends and relatives.

    LSU football is just something to do on a Saturday Night to most of these people. There is no real connection or passion for the program.

    That's why the overall intensity is not there any longer (Except for the really BIG SEC games at Night) and why so many get up and leave at half-time.

    Add in all the traffic and parking problems, the totally obnoxious, annoying and irritating piped in music and the ever increasing frustration with the HC and team performance. It's no great wonder as to why there are fewer "Hard Cores" in the stadium...................
    Bengal B and TwistedTiger like this.
  4. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Jan 21, 2004
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    Along with living in Dallas and having a 10 year old, I use all the excuses you mention when I do not attend. Thus, I cannot begin to consider myself 'hard core'. Thank goodness they do still exist though.
  5. LSUBraveheart

    LSUBraveheart Veteran Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    "Out of Staters" get a pass.

    I lived in Houston for three years (2005-2008) and there was so much to do in H-Town on the weekends that I didn't miss LSU football at all. It didn't seem that important then, like I just had to be in that stadium.

    I'm in BR now, but am one of the ever increasing number of DH's that are losing the passion for LSU football. Absolutely can't stand all that blasted in music in Tiger Stadium. That and the archaic Offense/Dysfunctional QB situation is definitely driving me away. Traffic and parking not a problem because we have found a fool proof way in to campus and always park behind the Law School, but we only went to two home games (Arkansas and A&M) this season and I'm right here in town. It's not that fun anymore.........................
  6. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Between the 20s at LSU games are just a gathering of Baton Rouge elitists... One of the many things I've always hated about Baton Rouge.
    Richdog likes this.
  7. LSUBraveheart

    LSUBraveheart Veteran Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Correct! I used to have Season Tickets "Between the 20's" on the West Side,but gave them up. Mostly a collection of arrogant "See and be Seen" types that do not want to get into the game and make any noise. They just want to sit there stoically and watch things unfold.

    For me, there wasn't enough "Bang for the Buck" any longer, so I gave up the ST's. I now buy tickets outside the stadium and never have any problem finding them. (Even for the BIG SEC games at Night) The only really "Tough Ticket" that requires a little effort is the Alabama game every other year.

    It's far more enjoyable sitting in the 400 level (Formerly the South Endzone Upper Deck) because the fans there are much more into the game.

    Tickets are dirt cheap there too. Payed 50 for a 100 Face Bama and just 20 for the 85 dollar Ole Miss ticket in 2014. Only paid 5 and 10 for Arkansas and A&M this season. ST's just don't make sense any longer....................
  8. Rouxleaux

    Rouxleaux Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I would put in the "passion" category.

    Their significant other starts to dread gamedays due to the lack of anything getting done
    Arguments are more frequent around the house when the team looks like crap (ie the last several games)
  9. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    i had lsu season baseball tickets for 15 years. Gave them up with the change of venue. I've never liked it. the new place. Also, I go to about 2 games a year in football because well, just to say i went. I dont particularly enjoy it like i once did because as everyone has said, the fanbase has changed a lot and people dont appreciate the games like they used to. The suites are nice if you can score them. Id do that regularly. Id be ok being an elitist for an entire season in the boxes.
  10. Rouxleaux

    Rouxleaux Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?

    Mar 14, 2012
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    I too would go to more but I will be the first to admit for the price you pay to sit in line getting to the game, then the price to see the game, then the price of food, and having to wait in line for everything from a piss to a drink to the elements. Heck my 55 inch flat screen has a good picture and I dont have to wait to pee and my food (and beer for that matter) is much cheaper. LSU like every other college is pricing all of us poor people who love their respective teams out.
    Richdog likes this.

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