Here's a link to a nice little note about Mikie Mahtook on fathers day from the TP Father's Day special for LSU baseball player Mikie Mahtook - LSU Beat Happy father's day to all of you fathers ...and sons... out there! it's a good day to give thanks for our fathers who helped give us life and who would probably give their lives for us in a heartbeat. Some of us had great dads with whom we have great relationships with. And some of us have dads who may not have gotten it so well and with whom we may be estranged. Some of us have dads who we have to remember in our prayers because they are no longer here (like Mike Mahtook). but no matter what the situation is, this is a day to remember that they love us sons the best they can. Happy father's day dad!!! .
"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." Jim Valvano Happy Father's Day :geaux: Remembering that "greatest gift" from my Dad with love. :usaflagwa
Mikie Mahtook Two touching articles that came out of the Advocate today; good reads:thumb: | Sports | Father's Day — Baton Rouge, LA | LSU Sports | Mother's touch molded Mahtook — Baton Rouge, LA