How are they going to do that with a Republican House? The only way to pay down debt is to post a surplus.
No, you can blame the corporations, many of them multi-national corporations. They have no national loyalty and it is they who have shipped America's industrial base overseas.
Loyalty has nothing to do with it in my opinion. It has more to do with strict government regulations that drive the costs up. Thats why it gets shipped overseas...
You can only post a surplus by bringing in more income than outflow. The best way to achieve this is to attack the problem from both ends. Raise some taxes and cut some spending. Let balance be the compromise and then reduce the budget in a balanced manner. Cut spending and add that money to the surplus to pay down the debt. When the debt is at a reasonably low level, that savings can be used for tax cuts. Then we should be able to pay as we go and quit borrowing money, which is a waste. It's just a matter of finding and maintaining balance. Difficult with two parties having an "its my way or the highway" attitude and no moderate third party to force them to compromise.
Regulations or no regulations, there are places overseas with cheaper labor. They have regulations, too. But the cheap labor is why the factories moved.
Look at it from this view point and I think most here will share my thoughts. Why on earth would I want the government to take MORE of my money when they can't even balance their own budget? I could very much agree with you except for 1 thing, the government has NO track record of being responsible with our money...
You are right, the labor is cheap. This is the main reason I feel you give these large corporations a break, allow them to save A LOT of money and then move the jobs back over here... Just my 2 cents rather tan tax the chit out of them...
national loyalty is irrational and free trade is the most important thing on earth in terms of prosperity for humans.