This is a great pick-up for us. This 1 signee will help us finish this year's class and we can recruit to it next year. We're getting great publicity with BOTH us being in the title game and us landing the #1 Pocket Passer out of In. It's a great time to be a Tiger! :geauxtige
This isn't the place to argue this, but you do realize that you just pulled a yeahbut right? "Lee was better in all these areas, yeah. . .but Flynn is still better by 5 times (except in those areas where he's actually worse) because I think so." Flynn has more yards because he threw more. Also Drew Bree's wouldn't have broke Mario's record on Monday if the Saints had stopped throwing when they were so far ahead. So? Each QB plays in the system they're asked to. The fact remains Lee was more productive when he was asked to throw. Like I said, I hope Gunner is better than Lee. I'm very excited about the future of LSU football with all the great recruiting moves Miles has made. I think he's determined to never allow himself to get into a bad situation at the QB position again. It's too important of a position. If you have a weak LB, but all stars around him, they can really help cover his slack. The offense though revolves around the QB. I'd rather be over flooding with talent than ever having to start a Freshman again due to controllable circumstances.