Nobody said the sky is falling, that is a tad dramatic. But if you want to jam your head in the sand and not admit we have an issue that is hurting our ability to recruit top notch QBs that is your choice.
Do you think Gunner Kiel Dop you think kiel cam in a read some of the post and said , No way , Miles would do the same to me , I am out of here . I think he made a smart move , not good for us a Tiger fans , .
I hear what you are saying and I think all of us would like to see the coaching staff open things up a little more. That being said, to open things up you have to have a QB who can deliver the ball accurately and consistently which is something that we have not had the past 4 years.
Hard for me to believe a kid from Indiana who has a shot at N. D. does not take it. Same as a kid from LA not taking his shot with LSU. Simple math? What does bother me is for someone to make a commitment and not stand by it. I guess that's me being old school. Regardless. We have Mett and Rivers and Randall who WANT to be at LSU. We'll dance with who brung us and be proud in the end. If GK comes, great. If not, we move on. LSU is bigger than any one player. I'd much rather tell someone I played at LSU than at N. D.
Signing day is still a long way off. Too many things can and will happen, this is every year. LSU has QB's on the team now. You try and sign one QB every year. Its always hit and miss with QB's. Thats just the way it is, same thing with most players. OL are a hard position to rate, just the way it is. Les and the staff are still in on a few players, its good to see how this one plays out.
What did Gunner Kiel have for breakfast? Figured if we are going to have fifty different threads on Gunner Kiel I might as well get in on the action early.:dis::dis::dis: My guess is oatmeal. :thumb:
There is no doubt that our performance in the BCS and the JJ/JL fiasco has hurt us but I also believe that Miles and company will turn things around. If Mett lives up to the hype and we can get rid of the 2 QB system we will be right back on the radar of top WR's and QB's. Lets face it this kid has been all over the place as far as his decision to commit and stick with a program. If he comes to LSU I will be stoked but if he chooses ND then good luck to him. No need to shoot the messenger:thumb: The loss of Collins will hurt more than this IMO.