Yeah I was just giving you a hard time with that last question.. lol Yep, to each his own. That's pretty much my stance on firearms.. As with anything else, everyone has their own level of fanaticism about them. Right now I have a handfull of pistols, but I don't have them to carry around with me day to day. I just enjoy going to the range and practicing with them, and I've always been into mechanical things. When you examine them closely, they're pretty neatly crafted devices. That's pretty much the extent of my ownership. I sincerely hope I never have to use one for home-defense, but if the situation were to arise, I'd rather have one handy than not. Exactly. We don't need new laws on the books, we just need to more thoroughly adhere to the ones we have. JMHO. If nothing else, they make for a great discussion though, don't you think? :thumb:
speaking of gun control: sometimes it is just really really good that people are not armed. like 10 minutes ago i was walking in new york and some traffic squabble ended up in a fisfight. and i saw it develop and i knew punches were about to fly, so i walked over and right as i got there it started so i broke it. up. now, i know it isnt likely that these guys were armed. but down south more folks are carrying. the situation would have been so much worse with guns! if thought anyone had been armed i would have just started running away immediately. but two unarmed guys throw a couple punches, its not a big deal at all. gun just make things worse. you dont need a gun, dont carry one.
"Down South more folks are carrying" so we don't get out of the car and start jabbering like they do in New York.
A couple of evenly matched fellers ought to be able to settle things without interference from self-appointed policemen, if you ask me. Of course, if you broke up a fight between a ninja and somebody's granny, then you're a good boy.
that is certainly true, and i love to watch a good fight. but i am selfish and i want to have some fun intervening. i am fully aware that my motivation is selfish. i think it is fun to frustrate people who want to fight. and if they didnt want to fight (and often one or both doesnt really want to) then they are welcome. also i wouldnt mind if one of the participants hit me, just so i could throw a nice punch myself. so you make a fair point, i am an ******* for going around policing the streets. but i dont care.