See, that is just it. He doesn't have to hire a "top flight" coach. That isn't realistic. Those guys are made men and already entrenched somewhere. What he can do is find someone that is innovative, motivated, hungry and wanting to make a name for himself (hell at this point I'll even say herself, can't do worse than the idiot we have now) and then hire em. This is a top notch university and the program will recruit itself for the most part. To think that there is no one else out there is just absolutely insane.
I don't give a fuck about "them", I'm talking about LSU. Btw, Ole Piss will stomp us as well. Name our next W.
If we play like this all season we won't win another game. Florida and Kentucky may be our only hope for conference wins.
Unfortunately UK is playing at a much higher intensity then LSU is right now. Our only remaining W might come at Florida next week, but it all depends on which gaytor team shows up. I doesn't look like we'll see a SECW win this year tho. This year is going to take a lot of liquor to get through.
Yep and I'm right in the middle of all these razorfag fans. Sucks when we lose to those uncle fuckers.
I understand it fine, but there's zero improvement in any aspect of the game unless NMSU comes to town. As soon we hit a SEC team, we can't tackle, we can't block, we can't get pressure, we can't do shit. Tell me where LSU has improved between MSU and Auburn. I don't mind losing a competitive game, but where have we been competitive in the SEC this season so far? If you can't see the product on the field and not hold our coaching responsible then you're a special kind of stupid. Again, tell me who we beat the remainder of the year.