thats the curse of being a great program. games are much more enjoyable when your team is climbing the mountain, not when they are coming down from the mountain. that miami game was fun because of the rain. everyone knew a whoopin was coming, the rain made it fun.
Whew, gumborue, dare I say you are turning that pessimistic corner. you have had several posts lately that make me hold out hope.
I think it's way too early to talk about firing him. However it's not too early to talk about how he has had what appears to be zero positive effect on the play of the OL. I've been extremely disappointed in what I've seen so far, but he gets a little more time to turn it around.
Agree, but the OL has played better at times. Barn with Ellis Johnson did what I would have done, look for the run, then send the house. It worked very well.