It was 'tongue in cheek' for sure, but how else could they explain him winning while talking in circles?
Exactly, sad that some actually think he dreams up this stuff and lets it fly on purpose as some sort of diversion. HA not even close. This is in fact a window into the real Les. Dispense the pass! Really? Whats next a Pez candy deal with Mett's head on the damn thing. Unreal.
He sounds like a super foul-mouthed guy who has to work hard not to curse in front of the camera. I've heard he's the same way at the LHSAA coaching conventions when he's the feature guy. Then when the media and other outsiders leave the room for his coaches-only session and he's amongst only the coaches, the real Les comes out where he can relax and be himself. My buddy said he was showing film of big cat drills last year during his session. A good drill he described as two guys who had bright futures at LSU. Then another one where a guy got absolutely drilled, he said, now this is what you call a grade-A pussy. He'll never see the field on Saturdays. Said the room exploded in laughter when they realized he was just a regular guy and not the guy they see on TV and in interviews.
Several years ago I got a chance to talk to Les for a few minutes at a small gathering here in Dallas for TAF. He was much different than what we see in those press conferences and interviews. Les was relaxed and spoke normally. Not sure that he is a genius but he definitely has another side away from the camera.
Les Miles use of words reminds me of Obama's plan to "help" America. You walk away thinking what the f*#k is this guy on!! After all the scotch and red wine last Saturday night I probably spoke like that as well.
I didn't know, but am hardly surprised, that there's a website dedicated to his quotes. They've got'em all here...