Well I'm not going to get started on all the things they do wrong as a school, but then again it's a small community college anyway. They should really run it as a CC, it would be easier for them to handle. I hate to say it, but they should probably drop athletics and focus on offering the classes and instructors that students need. :grin: Oh, and they need to do something about the "commuter logistics." Everyone commutes, and it's such a strain on the roadways. I swear that every day I see at least five people pulled over for speeding, or an accident of some sort. I could take this into the freespeech alley and really lay into the school, but I don't have an axe to grind, and I don't think they're (truthfully or honestly) aspiring to be anything greater than a community college. :redface: But man, who wants to start the scouting report on 'Nova? I'm gonna pull up some dirt on them.